Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tid Bits and after thoughts of me rambling from subject to subject of the Bible

 We have forgiveness because Jesus died for our sins when he died on the cross and rose again the third day. Our belief in that is all we need to be saved from a devils hell.
 You must believe that Jesus is the son of God and that He died on the cross and rose again the third day. Confess your sins and ask God to forgive you and then forgive others as you have been forgiven. Trust God for the rest. If your having trouble forgiving ask God to help you and He will.  :)

How often have I felt like Daniel in that Lions den. you know the way you feel when you walk into a room filled with animosity, but nobody will say a word. You know they want to tear you a part, but their all playing lock jaw, at least in your presence. I'd say that's a lot like how Daniel felt as he was standing in this lions den. I don't think I would have slept there, but I imagine Daniel just may have cause he trusted in the Lord. He knew when you trust in the Lord no weapon formed against you shall prosper.

 I imagine what hell would be like when the angels are tossing you in there. The fires to me would look like molten lava. I don't imagine you would be able to see much cause the fires would be way to high . The air would be unbreathable taking your breath away where you can't even breath. I imagine the screams of all the lost souls and hellish angels to be so unnerving that it would spooke even the hardest of hearts. The very screams themselves would be like the liquid fires they were being burned in. swimming in the seas of hell. Somehow I don't think there will be any real swimming, but the presence of evil will be felt so strong that it would over take you if it weren't for the pain of the fires you were being burned in. Over and over never to feel anything ever again other then the presence of evil and those flames. It will be a place without God. That's some place I never want to be. By the way, I saw the outskirts of hell once in a dream it was much like I just described.  That was just the out skirts. It wasn't actually inside. So imagine that !

I love angels their so beautiful. The Bible does mention both male and female angels. I recently discovered a verse in the bible that tells about female angels. It is in Zechariah 5:9. We know there are male angels because of Michael the Ark angel That defends Israel, and Gabriel The messenger angel that was sent to Mary to tell her about Jesus, and now we have this scripture showing us that there are angels who are women. 

The Bible speaks of unicorns. So I know they exsisted. I am just not sure if they were like the unicorns in all the movies. I Imagine them to be among some of the most beautiful creatures to be seen. I can't wait to find out from God if that one horn has any sort of special meaning to it. I Imagine that it does, but I don't know that's just me and my thoughts on the matter. 

Virgins in the bible were a sign of purity, and to be kept that way until marriage. That goes for both men and women in case your wondering.  This double standard thing always ticked me off. What goes for one goes for the other and there's no changing it. If you don't believe me then try it and see if you go to Heaven Mr. male chauvinist ! Don't get me up on my soap box or I will never get off off that subject. 

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