Monday, May 27, 2013

Daddy's Legacy He Left Behind

There was love in daddy's heart when he drove me back and forth to school all those years. There was love in daddy's heart when he would sit on the floor, and play dolls with me as a child. There was love in daddy's heart when he would drive all over to get me that special toy or gift I wanted for Christmas or that certain brand of soup or kind of cookie. There was love in daddy's heart when he would worry about me being out late at night. There was love in daddy's heart each time he prayed for me even though he wasn't saved. There was love in daddy's heart when he quit driving that cold truck after he wrecked when I was around five years old. There was love in daddy's heart with each painful step he took. There was love in daddy's heart from the time I was born. There was love!

By: Bernice Bowling

My daddy was able to pray before he died. Praise the Lord! He prayed!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Which Way

Back away from the world, back away,
hide thyself from prying eyes and human cries,
Run my child, run to the wilderness where the trees have no end.
Lean on the branches on a hill
Be careful, some might break off

Run my child run to me I say
For this dark course
is only going to decay
Run for your life my child
run to the light
turn away from darkness delight

for you are not turned to darkness
you are the light
the light of the world can not be hid
don't listen to the voice inside your head
turn to me I say
For I am the Father, and I change NOT!

By: Bernice Bowling

When You Feel Like You Are Being Spit On

I know what it is like to cry tears like rain.
I know what it is like to be spit on
I know what it is like for people to not have faith in you,
even though you have given them no reason NOT to.

I know what it is like to struggle in trials
I know what it is like to want to hide inside
I know the pain and the tears you have cried.
I know.

When the winds and the rains come,
The boat is rocked.
Call unto me, have faith and believe
I can calm the storms of life
Trust in me

Send me your tears
Send me your prayers
Let me have your burdens to bear.
Cry unto me all ye heavy laden
and I will give you the rest

I alone am God and I will give you rest.
I will give you comfort
Have faith in me
I will make your enemies at peace with you
I will make them your footstool.

Why do you fear what man can do unto you?
Did I not say I if God is for you then who can be against you?
Did I not say I would make you the head and not the tail.
You are above and not beneath
You are more than a conqueror

Have faith, my child. Have faith in me.
After all, I have faith in you
These are things we must go through
Stay strong, and stay focused
In these things, you learn who you can trust.

My peace I leave with you
Let your joy be made full
For the joy of the Lord is your strength
Remember, No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper
The gates of Hell shall not prevail

They don't know you, Not like I do
They know not what they do.
For they did these things to me too.
Love, Jesus.

By: Bernice Bowling

I am Not Perfect

I am not perfect. I mess up. I make mistakes.  What do you do when you mess up and you make mistakes ?

1. Ask God to forgive you
"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9). 

You keep on going. You don't give up. You don't give in. You dig in harder. You read the word of God that much more. You praise and worship that much more. You give God glory that much more. You study that much more. You PRAY that much more,  and you do whatever you need to do to get that much closer to God.

If you draw nigh to him then he will draw nigh to you.

James 4:8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.

The slushy Icy Road Dream

I dreamed I was going to Hazard and I was supposed to take the car. I was going to buy gifts for some holiday, I think it was mothers day, and I wanted to go the old way, towards Browns Fork, and it was looking like it might get bad out. So I took the car and parked it and I got the 4 wheeler out. I never ever ride a 4 wheeler. Anyway, Jessie and Norman DID NOT KNOW I had taken the 4 wheeler. It was almost as if I had stolen it. Anyway, I was having trouble getting up the hill cause there was slushy ice everywhere and  I finally made it to the top by the skin of my teeth, and If I had not taken the 4 wheeler, I would not have made it. When I got there mommy said Hi Berny I spent some of your money on mothers day gifts, and I said that is ok  I bought you some stuff already anyway.  What did you buy, and she said I bought myself a cape, and Tyna and Dean were there and they had been with mommy, and I had decided not to go to Hazard after all cause it was too bad out. I still needed to call Jessie, and Norman and let them know where I was and that I had taken the 4 wheeler but I had made it alright.
It was very slippery and dangerous out. If I had not had that 4 wheeler I would not have made it. That 4 wheeler was a 4 wheel drive.

What this dream means is, that it might get bad out and it may seem like you are not going to make it to the top, but don't give up and in the end, you will make it home.

The 4 wheeler I believe is some sort of anointing or ministry that will take me to the top.

The devil may lie to me and try to make me believe I don't have the right to use the anointing, but the devil is a liar!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Whole Armor OF God

Eph 6:10-18

1. Have your loins girt about with truth.

What does this mean?
This means you must have a firm foundation on which to stand. You get a firm foundation by studying the word, and meditating on the word of God, and getting it in your heart. So when trouble comes along you will not be so easily shaken.
Your loins are a very sensitive, and vulnerable area, and to girt it with truth means to make sure you are protected by having the word of God hidden strongly within you. It protects you from any harm the enemy might throw your way.
Everything you do needs to be of the truth and needs to line up with the word of God.

2. Next we need to have on the breastplate of righteousness.

What is righteousness?
Righteousness is what God requires of us to enter into Heaven. We receive righteousness through faith that Jesus is the son of God and died for us on the cross and rose again on the third day. All so we could be saved from a devil's Hell.
Without righteousness we could not survive the slightest blow. . Righteousness is right moral living, being free from sin. The breastplate of righteousness covers our heart and lungs. BUT you cannot have this without the shedding of the blood of Jesus. Without this, you have no protection from attacks of the enemy which is satan. You have to be in right standing with God and have no sin at all in your life. We do this by daily repentance, and whenever needed.

3. Next, you must have your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.

What does this mean? What is the gospel of peace?
The gospel of peace is having peace from within which comes from knowing God's word and being able to share the gospel whenever the opportunity arises. We must be a light and a witness to people.
 It is also being able to live free from worry or fear of what is to come. You get this peace from knowing God's word and be assured that God's word will stand when all else fails.
You see your shoes protect your feet and allow you to travel where ever you need or want to go without fear of stumbling or falling. Without shoes, you are more apt to stumble or fall.
When you don't have that inner peace and you are troubled on the inside it makes it harder to hear God's voice. How can you walk without knowing what to do and where to go. God directs us in which way to go and when we are troubled inside it makes it hard for us to know what to do and it also makes it much harder to witness to people and to share the gospel cause we now have our minds off of God and on the problem. NEVER take your focus off of God. That is the main cause of Satan's attacks. There are to steal our peace so we can not hear from God! KEEP YOUR FOCUS ON GOD AND OFF THE PROBLEM !!!!!!!!!

4. We must PUT ON the shield of Faith.

The shield of faith is something we must choose to take up. We are to raise our shield of faith up and use it when the devil comes at us with doubt and discouragement and whatever other trick he might be using.
Faith is believing something even though we have not seen it yet. The shield of faith covers almost our whole body. Faith is trusting God no matter what the circumstances are. . Trusting God no matter what comes along. Trust God that he will do what he says he will do no matter what.

We must take up our shield of faith and say NO satan! You're a liar. God's word says this .......That is taking up our shield of faith. In Jesse Duplatis's words, we must doubt satans doubt!

5. Now we must have on the Helmet of Salvation.

What is salvation and what does it have to do with wearing a helmet. Well whether you want to believe it or not we are in a war between good and evil and if you go into battle in a war without a helmet, odds are you are going to get killed.

Salvation means to be saved from sin, and from going to hell. Salvation is a gift from God that you must accept and believe before you can receive it. If you repent and confess your sins, and ask God to forgive you of your sins, and believe and confess Jesus Christ is the son of God, and that He died on the cross and rose again the third day so you could be saved and believe it in your heart then you can have the gift/helmet of salvation. Eph 2:4-8, 1Cor 1:18

Hope and great comfort come from knowing what Jesus did for us on that cross. You see hope works like a helmet to protect our minds from discouragement and despair in the world. Hope in Jesus helps us when the enemy comes at our minds with various temptations and disappointments.  That is why it is so important to renew our minds daily with the word of God.

Without the helmet of salvation, we do not know what the future holds. We do not have that security that salvation and knowing God's word offers us.  We are then run over with the cares of this world, and we are overwhelmed.

To hold on to our helmet of salvation we must be fully committed to God and obey Him and His word, doing his will and we can never lose a battle by doing this!

6. The sword of the spirit is next.

The sword of the spirit is the word of God. It is God who gives us the victory and Hid sword/word will deliver us. God's word allows us to attack what needs to be done. Got a loved one that needs to be saved? Attack it with the word of God. This means to stand on the word of God for their salvation no matter how bad the circumstances look. Trust God that he is not a liar and that He will do what he says he will do, and HE will. God is not a God that can lie !!!!!!!!!!!! Need healing? Attack it with the word of God. By His stripes, ye are healed !!!!!!!!!!!! 1 Peter 2:24 Who his own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. 

The word of God illuminates dark places. It shows the good from the bad. It divides and separates. It shows us how to live right and what paths we need to take. We should be ready to answer any questions others may have and to share the gospel. Hebrews 4:12 The word of God is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. The word of God uncovers the truth.

When God's word shows us something in our lives that is not good then we need to use His word as a sword to remove any bad thoughts or actions that are there. Jesus told satan we live not by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. Matthew 4:4

We will go through trials and tribulations, but armed with the word of God we can swiftly defeat our enemy by using the word of God effectively. By standing on the promises of God, and not backing down when the winds and the rains come. If God says He will do it, then He will do it !!!!!!!!!!! Isaiah 46:11

Prayer and Supplication

The Bible says in James 5: 16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. . If we don't pray we will be defeated. The Bible also says in James 4: 3 ye have not because ye ask not. Ask and ye shall receive, knock and it shall be opened unto you Matthew 7:7

If we are soldiers in the army of the Lord, then who is our commander? 

God is, and how can we go into a battle without first talking to our commander. God alone knows how to bring victory. It sure isn't us !!!!!!!!!
Praying always means having a mind of prayer, a prayerful heart, and going to God with everything in prayer. Bringing him our worries our concerns our needs and yes our desires. For he says if we delight ourselves in Him then he will give us the desires of our heart. Psalms 37:4 The key is delighting ourselves in Him. We should never give up on prayer. Be consistent with it. 

Sometimes we don't always know what to pray, and that is why we have the Holy Spirit living in us to help us to know what to pray during times like these.

By: Bernice Bowling

The Scary Pirate Dream

First of all, let me say I am not married, and I am perfectly happy being single.
but in the dream, I was married.

I dreamed there was a scary pirate ghost after me and he had bought me a doll that I loved, and I was afraid of this scary pirate. He meant me harm and I knew it, but I took the doll cause I collected dolls. the doll had a golden skull with it for some reason.

My husband was with me and he gave me a doll I loved even better and I kept it as well, and I had chosen my husband and he was protecting me from the evil pirate ghost. I had both dolls in my hands running from the evil pirate ghost and my husband had his arm around me cause I had chosen him this time.I had finally made the right choice. We ran into a ship to get away from the pirate ghost and I was afraid the ghost had followed me and I was examining the doll he gave me and wondered if I should keep it and the husband said I don't see why not. Cause I had examined it, and I didn't feel any evil spirits were attached to it. I remember wanting to throw that skull away, but everyone said no don't do that. That will destroy the value of the doll, so I didn't. Then I felt like throwing that doll into the sea and everyone said no don't do that keep it. It might be valuable. I didn't want to keep it though

Anyway we were on the ship and the sea was dark and stormy and It looked very scary but somewhere inside my heart I knew I would be safe and my husband in the dream kept reassuring me of this and I felt it in my heart as well even though the sea looked so spooky and scary.

Then I woke up.

I believe God is my husband in the dream and the ship is according to Perry Stone ministry vessel used to bring in lost souls. I was safe on that ship. I ran to ship and I was safe. The evil Pirate ghost must have been the enemy. The dolls were gifts given to me, and I was allowed to hang on to them. I don't know what they mean just yet though but they were valuable.

The Egyptian Dress Verses My Own New Dress

I had a dream where I was going to some sort of party at a school and I had on a really nice dress. It was nothing fancy but it was nice just the same, and I really liked the dress I had on. Anyway, I looked over and I saw this other group of people and they had on an Egyptian dress with the Egyptian head peace and all that. The headpiece was tall and stood up high on his head it was black and gold striped. The costume was a long white thing trimmed in 4 Gold horizontal stripes at the bottom.  The Egyptian costume I saw was on a doll-like thing of some kind but it was being worn by someone if that makes sense.

Mine was a  nice dress with blue flowers all over it and I liked it, and I remember thinking I wish I had known we were supposed to go Egyptian and I would have gone that way but oh well, I like my dress just the same. There's is prettier though but oh well. and I went to set at the bottom of the bleachers. I really liked my dress. It was very nice and it was nothing fancy but it was really nice, and I was ok with it. It was a simple dress, but it was a nice dress, and I looked good in it.

I believe this dream is about not being worldly or looking as the world does. setting myself apart from what everyone else is doing. According to Perry Stone flowers in a dream mean a new beginning, a passing of the old and starting of something new. The color blue is Heavenly. I don't know what the school part means. Maybe it means church.

My Amish Dream

First of all, I am not Amish but
In the dream I was and  I was married, which is odd cause right now I am single, and why would I be making a wedding dress if I was married already?

Anyway, in the dream, I heard little girls who were mine saying," Papa says that mother has lost her wedding dress".

The other one cried, "Ooh Where could it be ?"

Meanwhile, The mother which is me was at home in another place making my wedding dress. My wedding dress had a white bonnet for my head, and I was making a white apron for it with a Gold ribbon for the trim. The Gold ribbon was very important for some reason. Then I woke up, but I was making my wedding dress. It was not lost. I was making it.

I believe this was God telling me not to worry he is working things out and I will be ok. I am still working on my wedding dress meaning the bride of Christ, how she will not have a spot or wrinkle, etc. The color white is righteousness and Gold means deity or without sin, eternal. Also, I had a bonnet which meant my head was covered.  I don't know what the husband was a symbol of in this particular dream or what the 2 kids were cause I only have 1 child and he is a boy. So I don't know yet.