He walked silently through the night. Softly slaying victims with ease. He never heard the screams or saw the pools of blood. He just liked how the bodies sound as they fell to the floor after he slit their throat. \
Mournful cries could be heard echoing through the air. As the victim's family held tight their loved ones now lying lifeless on the ground. He could hear the sounds of their cries but he was unaffected.
Now in a coffee shop drinking coffee smirking at the passers-by. He knew they were weak. All of them. It didn't matter if they died All that mattered was his thrill. Sipping and watching as he eyed his next victim, an elderly man. He slowly rose to follow him hiding behind a corner when necessary until he reached his car. As the old man was fiddling with his keys Leroy looked to see if anyone was watching as he took the knife up to the man's throat and quickly slit it and he fell to the ground. Leroy or Roy as some called him softly fell out of sight and left the scene.
Raven saw him standing in the corner looking lost in his thoughts. He wasn't a handsome man nor was he an ugly fellow but there was something about him she liked,. He was dark and mysterious with a charm about him. He was of average height and ridiculously skinny. His glasses fell a little down on his nose as if he were looking at you inspecting you as if you were a bug. He had an air of aloofness about him. He looked smart and like he could work at a college or as a bookkeeper. How would one ever approach such an odd fellow? Just as she thought that he approached her sitting down beside her coffee in his hand. He took his black. Hers was a Mocha Latte,
"Hello," he said, as he sat down. She noticed he didn't even bother asking if he could sit
"Hello, " she said not knowing what to say next. He looked so bug-like. What do you say to a bug?
He just sat there not saying a word for what seemed like 5 minutes just drinking his coffee. What an odd fellow but then again she didn't say anything either. Just as she was growing tired, and annoyed of this fellow she began to get up to leave. Then he spoke
"Would you possibly like to have lunch sometime?" He said. Looking nervous
Before she could stop herself she heard the words yes come out of her mouth. Quickly she wished she could put them back in her mouth, but she somehow felt sorry for him and gave him her number.
Come take a walk with me on a journey through my thoughts and imagination. It's a place where a girl who loves to create. whether it be laughter, through dolls or simply a poem or even a scary story or two, lol. loves helping people through some of her writings, and by giving encouragement whenever she can, and but most of all it's a walk with a girl who loves her son, and knows he's the reason for living.