I cried a million tears and watched them fade away. never knowing from day to day what may come my way. I thought of suicide more times than I can count. With each year passing feeling like nothing would ever change. I cried a million tears and watched them fade away.
One morning I was laughing as the teardrops cease to fall. I then realized things had gotten better but we're still not perfect at all. With the griping and the bickering, I packed my bags and left just for a little while to get myself some rest. I cried a million tears and left them on the ground.
Things get better year by year but sorrow still remains. Cause nothing is ever perfect but at least it didn't remain the same. I cried a million tears and watched them fade away. Suicide still lives in my mind, just not every day. Things get better but sorrow still remains. I cried a million tears and watched them fade away
My mother is dead, my papaw and daddy too. I cried a million tears and watched them put in the ground. Years have passed my sorrow is better now, but new devils appear. I cry a million tears and I still watch them fade away, Roses still have thorns, and good times come with the bad. I still cry a million tears but God washes them, everyone, <3 By Bernice Bowling