The Helmet of Salvation
Salvation comes the moment you know; believe and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is the son of God and came to earth and died on the cross and rose again on the third day so we can be saved. That's the moment you put on the helmet of salvation, but it doesn't stop there.
The helmet of salvation rests on the work of Christ to save us, but also involves us as we journey with the Lord and allow Him to work that salvation into every part of our thoughts and lives through sanctification. The battlefield of our mind is the primary place spiritual battle is fought. Anything that comes into your mind that doesn't line up with the word of God needs to be cast down. All your previous ideas or opinions beliefs and thoughts on issues all need to agree with what God's word says.
The enemy will come at every angle to attack your mind. He will attack your self-worth; He will tell you lies and tell you God doesn't love you. He'll try to confuse you. He'll try to tire you out so that you will give up. He will try to plaque you with fear. When this happens cast all of these things down and hold onto what God says in His Word, and Trust in God.
How to Apply It
Renew your mind with the word of God according to Romans 12:2
Set your mind on things above not earthly things.
Watch what you listen to, and what you see and what you think. Think about Good things, holy things.
Know that Jesus Christ is the only way you can get to Heaven. There is no other way except through Him
Know that you are a new creature. Old things are passed away and all things are new.
What does the helmet do? It protects your head and your brain, your ears, and your mouth. Putting on the helmet of salvation means watching what you see. Watching what you hear. Watching what you say. It means watching and paying attention to what you let your mind dwell on or think about.
(The Battle is in the Mind.)
The Breastplate of Righteousness
The breastplate of righteousness is given to us when we get saved. Our righteousness isn't enough. This is Why Jesus had to die for us to be saved. Once we are saved then there's a second part to it often referred to as Sanctification. We go through a sanctification process when we put on the breastplate of righteousness daily and we do this when we seek God; delight ourselves in Him; study His word; make his ways our ways; making Him our dwelling place. We desire His will instead of our own. We obey God's commands. When we begin to grow as Christians seeking God and doing His will and all these things our hearts begin to become pure. We develop a pure heart. Putting on the breastplate of righteousness means putting into practice what we believe in our hearts. As we grow in Christ our choices become more righteous and this protects our hearts from the temptations of sin. I reckon that about covers it. If anyone has anything to add or take away please let me know
How to Apply It:
Soak in and obey instructions from the Lord. If there’s an area of life that feels like it gets easily tangled up in sin, ask a church leader to share some scriptural truths that might help you walk in the Lord’s plan more fully.
Ask a trusted person to pray for you if you are struggling with obedience. All Christians struggle, but none were meant to struggle alone. We make easy targets for the enemy when we do not obey God.
The Belt of Truth
The loins refer to the lower back but include the crotch area. In ancient days, men would wear long robes that would get in the way of work or fighting, so they would wrap up the long, draping material. This was girding up one’s loins. It protected the most vulnerable parts of a soldier. when preparing for battle the belt would have been the first piece of armor a soldier put on.
The belt repairs you to be ready for action. You just live a life of truth and integrity. You make sure you are someone who's trustworthy. You always speak the truth even when it's hard, but you do it in kindness and love. 1 Peter 2:!2 says live such good lives that though they accuse you of doing wrong they may see your good works and glorify God. It also means knowing the truth about Jesus being the son of God and being repaired to give reasons why you believe that when asked. 
Christians always need to be prepared to defend themselves again the powers of darkness and never be caught off guard. You must live a life of truth and integrity.
You put on the belt of truth by being repaired for every situation that may arise and making sure you are a person of truth. This includes:
Knowing the good news about Jesus and being able to explain why you believe in him.
Living a life of truth, and integrity. Always being honest and trustworthy.
Jesus said that if you abide in him and he in you, you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free (John 8:31-32).
How to Apply It:
Pursue the truth on a specific topic, but don’t forget to grab hold of the whole of Scripture. Don’t just study the parts that come easy for devotional reading. Press into the whole counsel of God’s word.
Pray with God’s word. Use the word of Truth as a template to guide your prayers.
Memorize the truth for quicker access when you need it. Cover your world with Scripture on post-it notes, screen savers, décor, and anything that will help you remember God’s word in the spiritual battle.
The Sword of the Spirit:
It is the only piece of armor that is both defensive and offensive. The sword of the spirit is the word of God. When the devil comes at us with his lies and temptations we get out the word we have hidden in our hearts and we say no not so Satan Gods' word says this. In Matthew 4: 1-11 Jesus gives us an example of this during His temptation in the wilderness. When the Devil kept coming to him trying to tempt him over and over, Jesus used the sword of the Spirit Which is the word of God against him to defeat him.
In Matthew 4: 3 The devil tries to tempt God by Twisting the Scripture, but Jesus knew scripture well and the devil's tricks didn't work on Him. Just like Jesus we need to know the word so we won't be tricked when the devil tries to twist scripture on us.
Jesus said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God.’ ”
Then the devil said, “Why don’t you worship me right now?”
Jesus responded, “It is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord God only. Him only you shall serve.’ ”
“Why don’t you cast yourself off of here, and the angels will catch you,” Satan said, quoting Scripture out of context.
Jesus responded, bringing the Scripture back into context, “It has been said, ‘You shall not tempt the Lord your God.’ ”
Every time the devil comes at us with his temptations and lies we need to pick up our sword and say not so Satan. This is what God's word says. You can't do that if you have not been studying God's word and know what's in the Bible so get in your word. Study so you can be ready when the devil comes knocking. You get the word in your heart by studying it and memorizing scripture.
The Shield of Faith
Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance in about what we don't see. Faith is a verb. Faith is knowing who God is. It's not believing. It's knowing. If you know who God is, and what He will do then when the worries of this world come along the winds and the waves and the storms of this life then it will not move you. It will be as nothing because you know who God is and what He will do. so you have no need to worry. You have Faith in who God is and what He will do.
Roman soldiers' shields were almost as big as a door standing 4 feet tall, and 3 feet wide. They were covered with heavy animal hide, and before a battle, they would dip their shields into the water so that when fiery darts hit them, the wet hide would extinguish the darts.
Roamans 10:17 says Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. So in order to put water on our shield or build our faith we need to study God's word and listen to it intently. The shield of faith is protection against temptation. Whenever we trust that God will answer our prayers, and that he will provide for our every need the devil can't tempt us with his lies saying he can provide a better life for us than God can. Eph 6:12 This stops the flaming arrows of Satan. Eph 6:16
How to Apply It:
Ask God to increase your faith According to Mark 9:24
Get in the Word, study it, and find verses that feed your faith and fill your world with them. Study them read them out loud over and over and listen to them being read out loud.
Set your faith in God’s righteousness, not on a circumstance.
The Gospel of Peace
Peace is an attribute of the Lord’s very person and character (Galatians 5:22). In Greek, peace means oneness or wholeness. The gospel, which means good news, is the forgiveness of sins and access to and oneness with God through faith in Christ. This oneness with the Lord produces peace.
Ephesians repeatedly reminds us to “stand” and “stand firm.” One of the easiest ways for the enemy to succeed in shaking us loose from standing firm is to tempt us with worry. When we carry anxiousness and worry with us, we are robbed of peace. But the gospel of peace keeps our feet anchored and standing firm.
Preparation means to prepare. So when you prepare you do it ahead of time. The gospel of peace goes ahead of you and prepares you ahead of time. People will be drawn to you because of your mannerisms and the light you have that comes from God. That is what goes ahead of you and does the preparation. So be prepared to share the good news of Jesus wherever you go. Peace means having peace with people and circumstances. It means not having bitterness or anger, resentment of unforgiveness. It means being forgiving. Being ready to forgive no matter what at any given time. When you put on shoes that is taking them with you wherever you go. Shoding your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace is shoes being taken with you wherever you go. Be ready to share God's good news, putting the gospel of peace on. The gospel of peace is your shoes. You can't go anywhere without your shows. Without shoes, you're a slave to sin.