I am the dark winged one that walks your dreams
I am not what I seem
There is a darkness with in me
I come undone in the realms
I 'll take you for a ride, and climb on the inside of you to hide.
I unclean you up, and take away your guts.
I feed on the blood of life
devouring until you are left a shadowless mass.
I will rip you apart, take out your heart
Making sure no crumbs left to sniff
I'll take you for granted
Secret dwelling drinkers drink you up
As I am their high caller.
I call to them. Their my understudy
I ravenously leave my mark
scratches down your back
Left panting and drained ,energy gone.
I leave for a night
My demons delight
In my pleasure, I recite the customs handed down for ages
I laugh at the night stalker
He is mine to do with as will
I smirk at the one who seeks his thrill
for within him I will kill the beast
No one left will run
for the demon clutches the feet
It's over the game has been one!
Victory belongs to The Shadow
The Shadow is my friend.
BY : Bernice Bowling
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