Matthew 13:1-23, Mark 4:1-20, Luke 8:1-15
The soil represents the human heart, and the word of God is the seed. There are four different types of soil that the seed falls on. These are the four different reactions the human heart has when they hear the word of God.
These are as follows:
The hard heart
The hard heart is people who hear God's word and don't understand it or the people who hear God's word but it goes in one ear and out the other. It never even penetrates their heart. When this happens the enemy comes and steals what is sown and is being sewn before it even hits the ground. A hard heart is a wall a rock. When someone has a hard heart there is no getting through to them. You have to pray and ask God to change their heart. Ask God to repair their heart to soften them and give them a heart of flesh
The shallow heart
People who hear God's word and receive it with joy are people who receive the seed in stony places. They receive it with joy but when trouble comes or persecution comes they get offended because God's word was sewn without much root so they wither.
The Crowded heart
The person who receives seed among thorns is the one who hears God's word and becomes so busy with the cares of this world and its riches that God's word is choked out because of their distractions and they lose interest in the things of God and they become unfruitful. Don't let anyone or anything distract you. Lay your treasures up in Heaven and not on the things of this world. Trust God to take care of you. Don't let the love of money take root.
The fruitful heart
The fruitful heart is the person who hears God's word and understands it, and they bear much fruit producing a rich harvest. They don't get distracted by the things of this world. They stay focused on God and don't let their hearts be troubled
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