Saturday, March 31, 2012

Get On With Your Life

This is an old old poem. I just wanted to add it. It was a poem I wrote when I was a sinner.

I sit here in tears as I realize the damage that has been done 
the pain, the suffering and whatever else you want to pile on 
but I don't want to remember this you see 
I want to go on with my life and be happy and free 

I want to forget about him and what all he did to me 
It's in the past and let that past be 
I don't want to go back there 
I'm moving on 
I'm not staying stuck in the mud 
With more pain suffering and abuse 

I went through hel,l 
and If it was left up to him I would still be 
enjoying whatever he decided to put me through. 
A dagger in the heart ! 
I'm tired, I want to live 
I don't want to go through anymore pain 
Just let me be 

Can I have a life without pain? 
Can I please? Haven't I had enough? 
I am so Tired of this. 
It's time to stop. 
That dagger is being pulled out of my heart 
I am thrusting it back into yours 
That's where it belongs. 

You lived to hurt and cause suffering to others 
Just because you hurt 
Well no more. 
I am not playing your game 
I'm out of here. 
I've got some living to do. 

BY : Bernice Bowling

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