Sunday, December 30, 2012

Mourning Sorrows Glory

Tears from Heaven fall like pennies from A tree.
Sorrow has no place there.
My daddy is now free.

Pain is no more, not for the ones up there
As for me and my house
Like a river it flows without reserve

Clouds well up in my heart
holding tears of rain
Produced by mournful sorrows and tormented pain

Upon the wailing wall I pray
Spirit of God please come
Comfort us this hour

In great need we are
Of your heavenly presence
Send us your word.

Let us hold on to you
Keep us snuggled close
Please wrap us in your arms of mercy

Heal the broken in heart
Cover us in your feathers
Let us not forget praise be to your name

By: Bernice Bowling

Friday, December 28, 2012

A Dark Christmas Eve

Cold and cruel, Christmas Eve blows in, taking my daddy away to Heaven .
God bless those that mourn for they shall be comforted.
Cry's of thunder heard from within knowing my daddy is gone for good.
No more pain, no more tears, no more will he suffer again.

Heart quenching tears welled up inside my throat clinching my heart.
I love you daddy, I keep saying, hoping he will hear.
I wish I had him back to spend more time with and to talk to once again.
icy silence fills my home as I enter knowing he is gone.

I scream in remembrance of his presence feeling the forever emptiness now that is here.
The house is stale with hollowness that will never be filled.
take me away,  let me alone, let me scream out my pain in private,
while I hold my heart in my hand.
Laid in the ground, my heart, my love, my life, my daddy.

Blessed be the man that died on the cross
Jesus is his name
Through him is salvation
Through him I will see my daddy again
Cold is the grave that took him away
Blessed be the name of the Lord !

Tired and alone I sleep away my brokeness
I wake up still empty and hurting
feeling the comforter come once again
I think on good things and dry up my tears
Trying to forget my loss, my life and my home of tears
dying to be pain free I pray once again

Numb to the pain I try and smile
Make a joke or two to cheer everyone up
got to have strength you see .
The joy of the Lord is your strength.
I hold on to him.

By Bernice Bowling