Wednesday, February 27, 2013

My Dream from God about People Praying

I dreamed this a few months back.

Anyway, I dreamed I saw the back of Jesus. I did not see his face, but I saw his back , and he was facing a stormy sea. I was standing there watching him while he did NOTHING and wondering why he didn't do anything cause he could calm this storm. 

Then he spoke and said " People have quit praying. If they would come to me in prayer I could calm these storms. "

I then woke up and the bed was shaking. I didn't know what to think. Everything was shaking, and Then I found out I wasn't crazy. There had been an earthquake. I knew for me to have that dream and then immediately after I woke up for their to be an earthquake meant this dream had great significance. 

I called my pastor and told him about the dream to see what he thought, and he thought it was from God as well.
God want's us to come to him in prayer. If we don't come to him in prayer then he can not calm these storms we are facing. Even the Bible says ye have not because you ask not. Call on him in prayer. Start praying more because the storms can be moved if we come to Him in prayer. Please pray.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

What's Your Mindset

Mindset- is an attitude

 When you get the right mindset you can change your life. Mindset is how you see your self. You can see your self fat or you can see your self skinny. Once you see your self getting healthy you can then begin to achieve it in small steps. You can have a poor mans mindset and you will stay poor all your life. What road are you traveling on? Is it a dark road with dark clouds ahead? Keep your focus OFF the negative situations you are may be facing and place it in Gods word instead. See what he says about it. I know he says he came to give you life and life more abundantly. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Also faith without works is dead. You have to start moving toward your dream. 
I woke up this morning and I remember seeing the word mind set written in a book and it was circled and high lighted in my dream and someones was talking to me about mindset. I don't remember what they said but I remember the word mindset. So I wrote this. 
Whatever you have a mindset of is what you are going to live into it wether it be good or bad. What you think about is what you are going to become. What you keep your focus on is what you will become. That is why it is so important to keep your mind on the word of God and start having the right mindset to accomplish what God has instore for you . 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Froney Maloany

Froney Maloany wears pig tails, and works part time down at the five and dime. On the weekends she works at the Library. She would be a pretty girl if it weren't for the black rimmed glasses. She used to be talked about awful bad by a jealous few, but she never was what they said. She was a good person loved by many.

Now Froney had a few boyfriends in her past who did her like a dog. Truth is they were all alcoholics and drug attics, but Froney thought they all needed to be saved. She felt sorry for them and wanted to rescue them like a lost puppy dog abandoned at the pound. She never did drugs though, she was always a good person with good morals with her occasional mishap of the miner kind that goes along with things when you run around with bad company. Her problem was she just had a bad case of the "I am not good enoughs."

She finally got tired of always being walked on by those kind of men, and joined church. Funny thing is she has now made it a mission to save her lost family, and everyone else in the community. She is always quoting some Bible scripture. She is obsessed with scripture and reading the Bible. All she does is set there and read from her mountain of books she takes everywhere with her. She even has scriptures hanging up all over the walls of her home; reading them to anyone who will listen. She believes Scripture will be like a Chariot of fire and carry her through all life's storms. So far she has been right.

I got next to her once down at the Piggly Wiggly and I could have sworn she was going to start reading me scripture from her 3 decks of scripture cards she keeps with her at all times, but I was able to escape when the cashier handed her receipt to her. I don't guess she wanted to hear her either, judging by the huge discount she gave her on her groceries. I even heard the manager started to fire her over it until he found out who it was the discount was given to. Apparently he had experienced one of Miss Maloany's long Sermons down at the post office.

Froney is a sweet little thing even with her scripture reading. She is pure Gold. You couldn't find a better heart in the county. She once spent almost her whole pay check on needy children and then the next week on food for the animals at the shelter. She was always doing stuff like that.

She was always reading scripture to sinners, at least until the pasture pulled her over to the side one Sunday after church and said ," Froney, you can't drag people into Heaven when they don't want to go. You just have to pray for them and keep inviting them to church and trust God  to do the rest."

Since then she just prays and trusts God ; inviting people to church along the way. She is leaving it in Gods hands now. She still witnesses though. She just no longer try's to choke hold them with Bible scripture. Instead, she just walks in love and forgiving people as she goes and trying to be a good light.

By the way, I recently got saved and am attending church with Froney now. You should come sometime. Church starts at 6:00pm on Sunday's