Tuesday, June 5, 2018

The rapper dream

 I dreamed I was a rapper from the east coast and I had all these quarters, and I just got done battling and I was under this blanket/ tent thing counting my quarters and I liked to have never found my way out of that tent. I was about to smother to death when I finally reached the end then when the gangstas came I gave them all my quarters and told them they could have it all that I was outta there and wasn't coming back that I almost died under that tent trying to count quarters. I almost smothered to death. I could tell they were going to kill me for wanting out but I could also tell that they knew I would have killed them a lot quicker so they left me alone. That dream was the scariest dream I've ever had. By the way, did I mention I was claustrophobic? I couldn't breathe.