Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Bible, Our Prologue To Life

Have you ever read a book or watched a movie, and wish you could tell the Person not to go in that door or to stay away from that person because they were bad news?  If life was like book,or a movie, we would then be able to know a little about what to expect, and we all would make very few mistakes. If only we could see ahead like we can when watching a movie or reading a book.

However, we can see ahead if we just pay closer attention to the things, and people we surround our selves with. A persons past can foretell what will happen to them by who they choose to keep company with. Now granted some people change direction and decide on living a better life, but most of the time that only happens when they choose to follow God.  They can stay good for a little while, but if they are not grounded in Jesus then they soon slip back into there old ways.That is why it is best to be spirit led, and rely on God to choose your mate as well as your friends. Being spirit led can keep you from danger. For example, God can warn you not to be in a certain location at certain time. How many times have we had strange feeling not to go some where, only to find out later there was a terrible wreck?  Also being in bad company can often times lead you into the wrong place and the wrong time. For example, if you are in the car with someone and they have drugs on them but you are unaware and you get pulled over. Then you my friend are going to jail with them. Beware of the company you keep. In there lays your future.

The book of proverbs is a very good book of instruction on what to look for in wicked people. It will give you hints and clues as to the fruits of evil men / women. People of poor moral character are the same today as they were back then, and the words of proverbs prove it. You can tell a tree by the fruit it bares. Proverbs tells us of the fruit evil men will bare. Refer to Proverbs 24: 1-2 BE NOT THOU ENVIOUS AGAINST EVIL MEN, NEITHER DESIRE TO BE WITH THEM.
It's important to rely on God in all life's choices. The Bible is our guide book and should be referred to often.

Prayer and spending time with God is another important factor in living a good life, and being spirit led. God wants a relationship with us, and He is just a prayer away. If you will draw nigh to Him He will draw nigh to you.

The Bible is our prologue of things to come depending on the choices we make. So I ask you today to choose the good life. Choose Jesus and live a life with a happy ending.


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